Monday, January 9, 2017

(17) Whose Choice and what kind of change?

click link above for videos


All Parents have concern about their children; 

Some out of concern have sought: 
Gay Conversion, or Reparative Therapy. 
Others have sought: 
Gender Transition Therapy for similar reasons. 

Could either of these, life changing actions cause harm? 
The studies say yes!

Senate Bill 5722 restricts professionals from providing Gay Conversion, or Reparative Therapy to minors. Sadly it does not address harm done to children receiving cross-sex hormones in Gender Transition therapy. Is this bias due to a failure of the Gay Lobby to police their own, much like the failure to address sexual abuse that plagued the Catholic Church? Although the Bill does not address this harm, Clip 11  in the playlist does.  

(The remaining clips are as follows.)
Clip 1 A musician's story of fear, rejection and faith.

Clip 2 Presents accusations from a client of Conversion Therapy and a practitioner's defense. 

Clip 3 & Clip 4: Alan Chambers and the rationale for shutting down the largest Conversion Therapy Provider (Exodus International). 

Clip 5 Regeneration and how it affects identity, sexuality and lifestyle explained by an ex gay activist.

Clip 6 Surrender and Re-examining false perceptions of the past.

Clip 7 Christian Church Position/Views of Gay Identity and Practice.

Clip 8 An overview of LGBTQ history in America and stories of many who are offended by any consideration of Reparation or Conversion Therapy.  

Clip 9  Surprising stereotypes broken. 

Clip 10  Effects of regeneration explained by female ex gay activist.

Clip 11 Transgender therapies and children.

So what about It? Does Conversion Therapy work? 

Without regeneration, probably not, but many say it provides strategies for self regulation which is usually an important goal in therapy. So?

Shouldn't people just embrace their tendencies as,"their Identity," as stated by the protagonist in the second clip?

If so, how should we address those who struggle with behaviors that still lay outside of our widening array of social norms. Those who struggle with pedophilia, or child pornography, or necromancy, or bestiality... e.t.c.? Should these like so many other behaviors become a cause for, "Pride" or be presented as a person's "Identity?"

But isn't resisting just DENIAL, a pretense of something that isn't true? 

If a person is minimizing or ignoring the proclivity they experience, then a degree of self deceptive denial is present. 

But when fully and completely acknowledged and presented with both spiritual and behavioral choices it becomes a denial of one of two choices. 

(choice 1) to commit to absolute allegiance to self and personal autonomy in practice and identity. or,

(choice 2) to surrender at least some portion of our individual identity, autonomy, and personal freedom to a higher power on an ongoing basis. 

But why would someone seek or choose to surrender portions of their autonomy?

Matthew 16:24-25 (AMPC) states.. Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to be My disciple, let him DENY himself [disregard, lose sight of, and forget himself and his own interests] and take up his cross and follow Me cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying, also. For whoever is bent on saving his [temporal] life [his comfort and security here] shall lose it [eternal life]; and whoever loses his life [his comfort and security here] for My sake shall find it [life everlasting]. 

It is a denial of self based on faith and internal conviction, not external manipulation or coercion or social oppression. (Hence the Exodus shutdown.)  See clip 2 on the Playlist. 

This form of denial is common in the Christian Faith in the heterosexual community as well as it is a refusal to participate in (concupiscence) described in the King James Bible at Romans 7:8; Collossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:5. 

Denial of the self traditionally results in an abstinence from both heterosexual and  homosexual promiscuity as well as preoccupations with autosexuallity (pornography and masturbation etc. so often preceding criminal activity.

See a PDF of the overview of this bill provided to our legislators at

As a support group leader dealing with varieties of addictive behaviors, my job has been to listen carefully and to, "hear each person tell their story" as we travel this road of life together. It is to humbly present a pathway of reasonable hope as a co-traveler on a Road to Recovery of personal identity and meaningful purpose as well as autonomy from compulsive and addictive behaviors and beliefs.

I hope that you find these clips and this article both help and informative. I did. And do remember to vote and stay informed as our culture is being remodeled to fit the humanistic model.

(18) Who am I (Considering Gender Identity)

Who Am I

 clink link above for full video playlist

The most important messages we send... are the massages that penetrate the hearts of our children to direct their destiny!Whether these messages come from family, friends, media or institutions, even very small messages can change life trajectories.(a sentiment presented by the speaker in video 11)What messages are you going to send?
Below are a series of stories and articles on a very sensitive subject.

The first three end with surgeries some for reasons that most would not expect. These stories are presented in the following videos. They have been selected to both challenge and inform.

Video. 1  BELOW   Presents an array of unique physical conditions. Most but not all were noticeably present at birth. It describes many of the triumphs as well as many hardships they experienced. This video is very informative. If you are limited on time, be sure to view this one in it's entirety. It is a collection of personal accounts from these young people, and describes how their families and physicians have attempted to support and guided them.

Video 2,  BELOW   By National Geographic, Presents a young teen's desire to becoming the most (treasured and comfortable gender) as understood by the presenter and their family along with their experience in their Mormon community.

Video 3 BELOW By 60 Minutes Australia Describes Patrick Mitchell who displayed 100% desire for to transitioning with his mother's help to a become female, until puberty where he chose not to transition.

Video 4 BELOW A female gay feminist activist presents how the Equality Act is failing her family and her Lesbian Culture.

Video 5 BELOW Presents stories of distress, social discomfort and perceived trauma and minimizing. Told by several young adults that have entered the transgender lifestyle.

Video 6 BELOW Is an in depth panel discussion on a psychological condition called Gender Dysphoria that frequently occurs in children and and teens and is often mistreated.

Video 7 BELOW Is an Associated Press Report on the new trend of government sponsored gender confounding messages creates to target toddles and youth attending events at public schools and libraries.

Video 8 BELOW A spouse's description of the abandonment she experienced as her spouse idealized and embraced dreams of alternate lifestyles and transitioning.

Video 9 BELOW Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, describes reaching his masculine goals and sense of successes in building the character of Bruce and then seeking and experiencing deeper connections and emotional intensity in the LGBTQ community in the person of Caitlyn through deep absorption into the causes and goals of the LGBTQ community.

Video 10 BELOW Drag queen adult anxiety with fulfilling their responsibilities with children.

Video 11 BELOW Walter Heyer describes early gender dysphoria as a response to inadvertent family messages.

Video 12 BELOW Walter Heyer describes his life-struggles with fluctuating levels of gender dysphoria before and after transitioning.

Video 13 BELOW Zinnia Jones' gives analysis of general acceptance/rejection of the present system and outcomes even among ex-transpersons who report degrees of regret. (Video 3 by Patrick Mitchell and Videos 11 & 12 by Walt Heyer, and Video16 by Dee Diamond) are examples that reflect her claims, But not for the reasons that she presents. Her analysis IGNORES the question of deciding for THE YOUNG, THE IMPRESSIONABLE AND THE MISDIAGNOSED.
Video 14 BELOW Describes the most common reason for transitioning among adult males according to research.

15th VIDEO present the full context of #4 along with other social/academic concerns.

16th VIDEO, Diamond Dee describes his struggle with gender identity, childhood molestation, prnography, sexual addiction including autogynephilia. It is no longer available on youtube, but can be found at

If you prefer reading.... the link below.... is to LA Times story titled,
"Mike Penner, Christine Daniels: A Tragic Love Story"...

It follows a persons struggle, torn between the treasured relationships of the past and the growing pull of idealized future hopes and future life as the opposite sex. A good read for revealing the seriousness of this struggle and for building empathy for those struggling. See it at:

I hope you find these snippits both interesting and challenging regardless of how you view or experience this issue.
If you have additional comments... please keep them respectful of the persons involved.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

(19) Recovering as a Cultural for Survival

The 12th Step and the 8th Principle in Recovery aren't really about substance abuse. They are about survival.

They are about finding ways to GIVE to others with actions and words that display practical encouragement and REALISTIC HOPE.

Bill Wilson, founder of AA described it well when He stated,

"He could only remain sober when he sought to help others who were struggling. People struggling like HE WAS. This is how he was able to stop the destruction in his life and in the lives of those around him.

He did it by working his own recovery among other strugglers. By both Leading and Following.

The story below is an excellent practical Illustration of this type of giving back.

It comes from World War II Germany during the time of the Holocaust.

The unknow writer from Crown Heights, New York, describes an elderly Jewish man named, Yankel, who owned a bakery near his home. Yankel was young when he survived the camps.

The story illustrates the critical, "HOW," he was able to survive.

“You know why it is that I’m alive today? I was a kid, just a teenager at the time. We were on the train, in a boxcar, being taken to Auschwitz. Night came and it was freezing, deathly cold, in that boxcar.

The Germans would leave the cars on the side of the tracks overnight, sometimes for days on end without any food, and of course, no blankets to keep us warm,” he said. “Sitting next to me was an older Jew – this beloved elderly Jew - from my hometown I recognized, but I had never seen him like this. He was shivering from head to toe, and looked terrible.

So I wrapped my arms around him and began rubbing him, to warm him up. I rubbed his arms, his legs, his face, his neck. I begged him to hang on. All night long; I kept the man warm this way.

I was tired, I was freezing cold myself, my fingers were numb, but I didn’t stop rubbing the heat on to this man’s body. Hours and hours went by this way. Finally, night passed, morning came, and the sun began to shine. There was some warmth in the cabin, and then I looked around the car to see some of the other Jews in the car. To my horror, all I could see were frozen bodies, and all I could hear was a deathly silence.

Nobody else in that cabin made it through the night – they died from the frost. Only two people survived: the old man and me…

The old man survived because somebody kept him warm; I survived because I was warming somebody else…”

The 12th Step and 8th Principle,
They are about SURVIVING.... TOGETHER..... NOW.......

With a REAL HOPE of thriving in the future.

It is about HEALING in the places where we are dying. 
This principle is also played out repeatedly in a similar story in the movie, "The Book Thief." Well worth the watch on Hulu or other places. 

Friday, December 9, 2016



There is a vast difference between discriminating against a person... and refusing to participate in an event.

True acts of discrimination are done against people, not events or symbols. 

The one who chooses not to participate... 
(in a wedding ceremony, or a patriotic tradition)
May hold strong views about the event but still may have high regard for the people involved.  

President Trump has expressed outrage and a desire to impose financial punishments on the football protesters, as do the Colorado Civil Rights Commission toward the Cake Maker who won against them in the Supreme Court.

Both rage from their populist and elitist positions. Both instill fear through threats and the divisive controversy they sew, as do Mr. Knight of NIKE who chose to promote the Kaepernick controversy, and the couples who sought financial exploits rather than a cake through the referrals Jack offered. 

And we on the sidelines cheer or rage compliantly oblivious to the greed, avarice and disregard of our leaders.

That leaves only Kaepernick  and Philips; both standing for their principles. But only one initiated a public protest, and won a lucrative  advertising contract. Only one was incessantly publicized and catapulted to the status of an American Hero, becoming the,"Citizen of the Year," of the publication shown. 

While the other created history by going to the Supreme Court in his battle for freedom of expression, AND WON! And the was mostly ignored by our press like the Pro-Life Women who were considered unfit for the Woman's March and shunned.

So you say you never heard of the story about Jack Philips? 

These questions were on the doorstep of the U.S. Supreme Court and in the mind of Jack Phillips as his case, the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission was reviewed.

In Colorado, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission had ruled that that bakers could refuse to bake cakes that included Biblical messages for events like weddings, but could be forced to create cakes for same-sex events. It also forced many that were not compliant to take compulsory "re-education," classes as mandated in the state's anti-discrimination laws.

It is ofen even worse in Europe. In Northern Ireland, Lord Chief Justices Morgan, Weatherup and Weir recently refused an appeal by Asher Family Bakery and upheld the Northern Ireland Equality Commission charges in support of gay rights activist Gareth Lee. 

Asher Family Bakery had declined to make a cake promoting the advancement of same sex marriage in Northern Ireland, where it is currently illegal. The bakery was found guilty of discrimination of persons as well as being discriminatory in their politics and was fined heavily.Jack Phillips refusal also occurred before the legalization of same-sex marriage in Colorado.'

Jack's is a story of discrimination by religious persecution like many others listed in the first and last links. One where he continues to be targeted by activist forces in Colorado's Government. Jack is the one who fought successfully in the Supreme Court to protect your freedoms. Thank you Jack!

And... Thank you President Trump for resisting those who attempt to circumvent the public argument through litigation. See his response at hear directly from Jack and similar people who are involved watch, ... 

starting at minute 9 as well as others like them by clicking the first link.

Shortly After the Last Election....
People Magazine reported on a fashion designer's refusal to work with Melania Trump. Was this discrimination?

Could her garments be seen as symbols of an acceptance of Trump's behavior or his political views? Could they be interpreted as endorsements.

Designer, Sophie Theallet thought so and refused to work with Melania. In her view she was taking a “stand against all discrimination and prejudice.” 

But was this choice an act of discrimination and prejudice?

Here is one of Sophie's Designs on a past customer.

Should Sophie's political beliefs due to her conscience be protected? What about the religious and political beliefs of her neighbors due to their consciences? Should they be ignored?

Why not bakers and photographers, who, because of their religious beliefs, have politely but firmly declined to provide service for gay weddings. 

They have not declined service to homosexuals. They have just made it clear that they cannot morally participate in a Ceremony that goes against their religious principles.

Not a rejection of a person as a person, but participation in an activity.

Consider Barronelle Stutzman, a florist in Washington who has served and employed people of all backgrounds, including homosexuals, for her entire career. However, after she declined to provide flowers for a homosexual wedding, in accordance with her faith, both the ACLU and Washington state attorney general have sued not just her business, but her personally. 

Seattle times Opinion

Why we sued our favorite florist: Marriage equality must be truly equal

Gabriel Campanario / The Seattle Times

Discrimination hurts, and anyone who’s ever been singled out or rejected for being perceived as “different” knows it’s exhausting to keep shoring yourself up when other people try to cut you down.

As Plaintiffs Curt Freed and Robert Ingersoll explain , "Why we sued our favorite florist: Marriage equality must be truly equal" In the Seattle Times

Consider Aaron and Melissa Klein, Bakers in Oregon? They baked a cake for a woman who was so happy with their work that she and her partner asked Melissa to bake their wedding cake. The Kleins politely explained that due to their faith, they could not endorse a wedding that violated their beliefs. In response, the state sued them, put a legal order on them banning them from talking about their desire to work according to their faith, and said they “needed rehabilitation.” The fine the state assessed and the subsequent hate mail and threats forced the Klein’s to close their business and led Aaron Klein to go to work as a sanitation worker to pay their bills.

I am glad that Melania Trump is not an activist and that she avoided the option to punish or persecute. I am glad that she used her freedom to hire someone else and allowed Sophia the Liberty of free expression of her conscience.

But isn't Theallet refusing to serve the Trumps as persons, and this not related to any specific activity. Isn't she refusing to serve them in all venues, not just the inauguration?.... Isn't this the true meaning of discrimination?

These are the questions on the doorstep of the U.S. Supreme Court and in the mind of Jack Phillips as his case in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission is now being reviewed.
In Colorado, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission held that bakers could refuse to bake cakes for customers who wanted cakes with Biblical messages, while forcing others to create wedding cakes for same-sex events, as well as forcing compliance with compulsory "re-education” for any who questioned the state's anti-discrimination law.
In Northern Ireland, Lord Chief Justices Morgan, Weatherup and Weir recently refused an appeal by Asher Family Bakery and upheld the Northern Ireland Equality Commission charges in support of gay rights activist Gareth Lee.

See full Interview of Mr Asher in Ireland on video at:
Asher Family Bakery had declined to make a cake promoting the advancement of same sex marriage in Northern Ireland, where it is currently illegal. The bakery was found guilty of discrimination of persons as well as being discriminatory in their politics and was fined heavily.

Jack Phillips refusal also occurred before the legalization of same-sex marriage in Colorado.

Until recently, America gave high precedence to conscientious objection. 

Religious liberty is much more than the freedom to attend church, synagogue, or mosque. It is the freedom to actually live out your religious beliefs.
The Liberty Bell got its name from being rung July 8, 1776, to called the citizens of Philadelphia together to hear the Liberties declared in our Declaration of Independence as it was read out loud for the first time!
My hope is that civil discourse leading to representative legislation will soon return as our chief form of legal communication.
Hopefully we will rise from the wallow of activist coercion and embrace the values of cooperative effort and mutual respect.

Although badly flawed, my hope is that Liberty will ring true for everyone.

Misunderstanding and Persecuting
Not so new

"Pilgrim's Progress," by John Bunyan's was penned in 1678 and translated into more than 200 languages. It is a Christian allegory like the Lord of the Rings, and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe of today. Many consider it the first complete novel written into English, the most widely read book next to the Bible. Much of the story was written while Bunyan was incarcerated for holding unapproved religious services. The video clip below follows a portion of the story in modernized language.

The full title is: The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come

from link below:

Read more at…/liberty-bell-called-citizens-to-hear…/……/sophie-theallet-open-letter-melania-tr…/…/melania-trump-fashion-and…/

Photo sources: