Monday, January 9, 2017

(18) Who am I (Considering Gender Identity)

Who Am I

 clink link above for full video playlist

The most important messages we send... are the massages that penetrate the hearts of our children to direct their destiny!Whether these messages come from family, friends, media or institutions, even very small messages can change life trajectories.(a sentiment presented by the speaker in video 11)What messages are you going to send?
Below are a series of stories and articles on a very sensitive subject.

The first three end with surgeries some for reasons that most would not expect. These stories are presented in the following videos. They have been selected to both challenge and inform.

Video. 1  BELOW   Presents an array of unique physical conditions. Most but not all were noticeably present at birth. It describes many of the triumphs as well as many hardships they experienced. This video is very informative. If you are limited on time, be sure to view this one in it's entirety. It is a collection of personal accounts from these young people, and describes how their families and physicians have attempted to support and guided them.

Video 2,  BELOW   By National Geographic, Presents a young teen's desire to becoming the most (treasured and comfortable gender) as understood by the presenter and their family along with their experience in their Mormon community.

Video 3 BELOW By 60 Minutes Australia Describes Patrick Mitchell who displayed 100% desire for to transitioning with his mother's help to a become female, until puberty where he chose not to transition.

Video 4 BELOW A female gay feminist activist presents how the Equality Act is failing her family and her Lesbian Culture.

Video 5 BELOW Presents stories of distress, social discomfort and perceived trauma and minimizing. Told by several young adults that have entered the transgender lifestyle.

Video 6 BELOW Is an in depth panel discussion on a psychological condition called Gender Dysphoria that frequently occurs in children and and teens and is often mistreated.

Video 7 BELOW Is an Associated Press Report on the new trend of government sponsored gender confounding messages creates to target toddles and youth attending events at public schools and libraries.

Video 8 BELOW A spouse's description of the abandonment she experienced as her spouse idealized and embraced dreams of alternate lifestyles and transitioning.

Video 9 BELOW Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, describes reaching his masculine goals and sense of successes in building the character of Bruce and then seeking and experiencing deeper connections and emotional intensity in the LGBTQ community in the person of Caitlyn through deep absorption into the causes and goals of the LGBTQ community.

Video 10 BELOW Drag queen adult anxiety with fulfilling their responsibilities with children.

Video 11 BELOW Walter Heyer describes early gender dysphoria as a response to inadvertent family messages.

Video 12 BELOW Walter Heyer describes his life-struggles with fluctuating levels of gender dysphoria before and after transitioning.

Video 13 BELOW Zinnia Jones' gives analysis of general acceptance/rejection of the present system and outcomes even among ex-transpersons who report degrees of regret. (Video 3 by Patrick Mitchell and Videos 11 & 12 by Walt Heyer, and Video16 by Dee Diamond) are examples that reflect her claims, But not for the reasons that she presents. Her analysis IGNORES the question of deciding for THE YOUNG, THE IMPRESSIONABLE AND THE MISDIAGNOSED.
Video 14 BELOW Describes the most common reason for transitioning among adult males according to research.

15th VIDEO present the full context of #4 along with other social/academic concerns.

16th VIDEO, Diamond Dee describes his struggle with gender identity, childhood molestation, prnography, sexual addiction including autogynephilia. It is no longer available on youtube, but can be found at

If you prefer reading.... the link below.... is to LA Times story titled,
"Mike Penner, Christine Daniels: A Tragic Love Story"...

It follows a persons struggle, torn between the treasured relationships of the past and the growing pull of idealized future hopes and future life as the opposite sex. A good read for revealing the seriousness of this struggle and for building empathy for those struggling. See it at:

I hope you find these snippits both interesting and challenging regardless of how you view or experience this issue.
If you have additional comments... please keep them respectful of the persons involved.

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