Friday, December 9, 2016



There is a vast difference between discriminating against a person... and refusing to participate in an event.

True acts of discrimination are done against people, not events or symbols. 

The one who chooses not to participate... 
(in a wedding ceremony, or a patriotic tradition)
May hold strong views about the event but still may have high regard for the people involved.  

President Trump has expressed outrage and a desire to impose financial punishments on the football protesters, as do the Colorado Civil Rights Commission toward the Cake Maker who won against them in the Supreme Court.

Both rage from their populist and elitist positions. Both instill fear through threats and the divisive controversy they sew, as do Mr. Knight of NIKE who chose to promote the Kaepernick controversy, and the couples who sought financial exploits rather than a cake through the referrals Jack offered. 

And we on the sidelines cheer or rage compliantly oblivious to the greed, avarice and disregard of our leaders.

That leaves only Kaepernick  and Philips; both standing for their principles. But only one initiated a public protest, and won a lucrative  advertising contract. Only one was incessantly publicized and catapulted to the status of an American Hero, becoming the,"Citizen of the Year," of the publication shown. 

While the other created history by going to the Supreme Court in his battle for freedom of expression, AND WON! And the was mostly ignored by our press like the Pro-Life Women who were considered unfit for the Woman's March and shunned.

So you say you never heard of the story about Jack Philips? 

These questions were on the doorstep of the U.S. Supreme Court and in the mind of Jack Phillips as his case, the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission was reviewed.

In Colorado, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission had ruled that that bakers could refuse to bake cakes that included Biblical messages for events like weddings, but could be forced to create cakes for same-sex events. It also forced many that were not compliant to take compulsory "re-education," classes as mandated in the state's anti-discrimination laws.

It is ofen even worse in Europe. In Northern Ireland, Lord Chief Justices Morgan, Weatherup and Weir recently refused an appeal by Asher Family Bakery and upheld the Northern Ireland Equality Commission charges in support of gay rights activist Gareth Lee. 

Asher Family Bakery had declined to make a cake promoting the advancement of same sex marriage in Northern Ireland, where it is currently illegal. The bakery was found guilty of discrimination of persons as well as being discriminatory in their politics and was fined heavily.Jack Phillips refusal also occurred before the legalization of same-sex marriage in Colorado.'

Jack's is a story of discrimination by religious persecution like many others listed in the first and last links. One where he continues to be targeted by activist forces in Colorado's Government. Jack is the one who fought successfully in the Supreme Court to protect your freedoms. Thank you Jack!

And... Thank you President Trump for resisting those who attempt to circumvent the public argument through litigation. See his response at hear directly from Jack and similar people who are involved watch, ... 

starting at minute 9 as well as others like them by clicking the first link.

Shortly After the Last Election....
People Magazine reported on a fashion designer's refusal to work with Melania Trump. Was this discrimination?

Could her garments be seen as symbols of an acceptance of Trump's behavior or his political views? Could they be interpreted as endorsements.

Designer, Sophie Theallet thought so and refused to work with Melania. In her view she was taking a “stand against all discrimination and prejudice.” 

But was this choice an act of discrimination and prejudice?

Here is one of Sophie's Designs on a past customer.

Should Sophie's political beliefs due to her conscience be protected? What about the religious and political beliefs of her neighbors due to their consciences? Should they be ignored?

Why not bakers and photographers, who, because of their religious beliefs, have politely but firmly declined to provide service for gay weddings. 

They have not declined service to homosexuals. They have just made it clear that they cannot morally participate in a Ceremony that goes against their religious principles.

Not a rejection of a person as a person, but participation in an activity.

Consider Barronelle Stutzman, a florist in Washington who has served and employed people of all backgrounds, including homosexuals, for her entire career. However, after she declined to provide flowers for a homosexual wedding, in accordance with her faith, both the ACLU and Washington state attorney general have sued not just her business, but her personally. 

Seattle times Opinion

Why we sued our favorite florist: Marriage equality must be truly equal

Gabriel Campanario / The Seattle Times

Discrimination hurts, and anyone who’s ever been singled out or rejected for being perceived as “different” knows it’s exhausting to keep shoring yourself up when other people try to cut you down.

As Plaintiffs Curt Freed and Robert Ingersoll explain , "Why we sued our favorite florist: Marriage equality must be truly equal" In the Seattle Times

Consider Aaron and Melissa Klein, Bakers in Oregon? They baked a cake for a woman who was so happy with their work that she and her partner asked Melissa to bake their wedding cake. The Kleins politely explained that due to their faith, they could not endorse a wedding that violated their beliefs. In response, the state sued them, put a legal order on them banning them from talking about their desire to work according to their faith, and said they “needed rehabilitation.” The fine the state assessed and the subsequent hate mail and threats forced the Klein’s to close their business and led Aaron Klein to go to work as a sanitation worker to pay their bills.

I am glad that Melania Trump is not an activist and that she avoided the option to punish or persecute. I am glad that she used her freedom to hire someone else and allowed Sophia the Liberty of free expression of her conscience.

But isn't Theallet refusing to serve the Trumps as persons, and this not related to any specific activity. Isn't she refusing to serve them in all venues, not just the inauguration?.... Isn't this the true meaning of discrimination?

These are the questions on the doorstep of the U.S. Supreme Court and in the mind of Jack Phillips as his case in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission is now being reviewed.
In Colorado, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission held that bakers could refuse to bake cakes for customers who wanted cakes with Biblical messages, while forcing others to create wedding cakes for same-sex events, as well as forcing compliance with compulsory "re-education” for any who questioned the state's anti-discrimination law.
In Northern Ireland, Lord Chief Justices Morgan, Weatherup and Weir recently refused an appeal by Asher Family Bakery and upheld the Northern Ireland Equality Commission charges in support of gay rights activist Gareth Lee.

See full Interview of Mr Asher in Ireland on video at:
Asher Family Bakery had declined to make a cake promoting the advancement of same sex marriage in Northern Ireland, where it is currently illegal. The bakery was found guilty of discrimination of persons as well as being discriminatory in their politics and was fined heavily.

Jack Phillips refusal also occurred before the legalization of same-sex marriage in Colorado.

Until recently, America gave high precedence to conscientious objection. 

Religious liberty is much more than the freedom to attend church, synagogue, or mosque. It is the freedom to actually live out your religious beliefs.
The Liberty Bell got its name from being rung July 8, 1776, to called the citizens of Philadelphia together to hear the Liberties declared in our Declaration of Independence as it was read out loud for the first time!
My hope is that civil discourse leading to representative legislation will soon return as our chief form of legal communication.
Hopefully we will rise from the wallow of activist coercion and embrace the values of cooperative effort and mutual respect.

Although badly flawed, my hope is that Liberty will ring true for everyone.

Misunderstanding and Persecuting
Not so new

"Pilgrim's Progress," by John Bunyan's was penned in 1678 and translated into more than 200 languages. It is a Christian allegory like the Lord of the Rings, and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe of today. Many consider it the first complete novel written into English, the most widely read book next to the Bible. Much of the story was written while Bunyan was incarcerated for holding unapproved religious services. The video clip below follows a portion of the story in modernized language.

The full title is: The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come

from link below:

Read more at…/liberty-bell-called-citizens-to-hear…/……/sophie-theallet-open-letter-melania-tr…/…/melania-trump-fashion-and…/

Photo sources:

SEIZING THE MOMENTS (Kneeling for Prayer)


Is the criticism justified?  Were his actions right or wrong?
Should he shed his identity to follow the dictates of our culture?

When a man suffered an apparent heart attack on a flight from Atlanta to Phoenix, Tim Tebow emerged from the first-class section and helped comfort his family. Erik Dellenbach, executive director of the Tim Tebow Foundation, tells the Florida Times-Union that the former NFL quarterback prayed with the family and other passengers after the medical emergency on the Sunday night, June 26, 2016 flight. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, FIle)

Read the story of seizing, rather than avoiding the moment.

What do you think of this story and... THE LINKS below,  



In upholding the suspension of coach Kennedy the Court sent 
a clear message... some right are protected..... and some are not...
The Court ruled that an employer could limit an employees actions....
We all have the freedom of expression.... But there may be consequences....
It is very obvious that while in uniform, at a school sponsored event representing the school district, Coach Kennedy chose to follow a personal agenda and ignore the school guidelines that limited his freedom. 

.But what if the prayers were student led? What if he expressed openness to allow multiple student lead groups on the field at the same time, and provided written guidelines for their safety. What if he led activities during off time in mixed groups that included other family and community members? 
In other word... What if he worked within the framework of his present liberties?
But wasn't he just, "Show-Boating?" Why does he have to act so differently? Shouldn't he just cow-tow and do what is expected of him? 
At my graduation from Nursing School, I was asked to help MC the graduation ceremony. I wanted to say a prayer, and when I spoke to my peers about it I was told that they did not want me to. 
When I asked them , "Why," my peers told me it was not allowed in the public setting. 
I contacted a Supreme Court Attorney and he sent literature showing our rights as students in a public ceremony. After sharing these facts...
... all of my peers were accepting of the prayer that I had written........
and many were excited about this, "New Freedom," asking for copies for a keepsake to have with their diploma. 
Have you been indoctrinated with a false message of fear? Do you know and stand in the facts of your freedoms? Or tremble in the shifting shadows of political correctness?
I attended a commemoration ceremony of a teacher who was killed on his bike by a texting driver. Over a thousand attended. He was a person of faith, uncompromising in his words and actions and if asked, happy to share his values. He had literature available for the borrowing and a Bible on his desktop for his own personal reading. He like so many others was very warm and supportive of his students even to the point of having a special personal greeting... "I love you in a positive sort of way," That was who he was and he did not forfeit his identity when he became a school representative.
His life, modeled his own identity and respect for the diversity of others. In his time, he was fortunate enough to find ways of doing both within the boundaries of his employment. May we all be so fortunate.... and if not may we have the courage to live out our values as best we can to the benefit of those we serve. 
PS. If you are a person of faith, please pray for my friend Jonathan who is engaged in a battle with leukemia. His father is the man I mentioned above.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Appeals court rules against 

football coach suspended for

kneeling in prayer after games

by Ryan Lovelace, Supreme Court Reporter | 

 August 23, 2017 03:39 PM   

(see story at link below)

BREAKING: 6/27/2022

Prayer Wins! Victory for Coach Kennedy at the U.S. Supreme Court

In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of former high school football coach Joe Kennedy to take a knee in quiet prayer after football games. Importantly, today’s decision respects the Constitutional rights of all public-school teachers and coaches to engage in a brief, personal prayer in public.

(see story at link below)

#nflcontroversy , #nflprotests , #timtebow , #religiousliberty , #blacklivesmatter , #freedomofexpression , #coachkennedy



Hear Rosario in link above or below. 

  Click to hear Rosella's story as a College 
  Professor and LGBT activist including her
  relationships in community and her identity
  transitions from heterosexuality and
  lesbianism. Hear of the activism she has
  practiced throughout.This talk is presented
  at the Family Research Council in
  Washington DC.

Hear Floyd's story in link above or below.

Floyd's Corkins Jr. is an accomplished college student
 holding a Masters Degree. He is also an LGBT volunteer
activist who demonstrated the depth of his conviction
 in WA DC as he took the actions that he felt were
 justified based on the accounts provided by the 
Southern Poverty Law Center
 who provided the reasons for hate and the locations 
of his targets. Fortunately the Family Research Council 
was first on his list. 



As a support group leader I have met many like Rosario Butterfield and have discovered that genuine support does not reject one identity to embrace another. It simply supports people as people, and sees struggle as struggle.

The Family Research Council (FRC) is also committed to supporting individuals and families. They sponsored the talk in the video link above. The FRC experienced a home grown terrorist attack in 2012, but the news failed to follow the story.

The (FRC) was labeled as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for acknowledging the kind of support that Rosario experienced from her pastor. Both Rosario Butterfield and Floyd Corkins were receiving support from LGBT community. Both were activist for the LGBT cause, both highly educated, but each of their paths went in dramatically different directions.

Click the link directly below to hear Rosario tell her story at the FRC.

Below is the path Corkins felt compelled to follow in response the the SPLC website Hate Map. He had selected four sites to attack with a stated plan.... "To kill as many as possible."

On Aug. 15, 2012 Floyd Corkins, who holds a Masters Degree from George Mason University and volunteered at the Wasnington DC LGBT Center entered the Family Research Council Building and shot the building manager Loe Johnson who stopped him from accessing the elevator. Corkins carried a 9mm semiautomatic pistol, two additional loaded magazines and an additional box of 50 rounds of ammunition. The FBI report that Corkins' stated plan was to kill the people at the (FRC) and then those present at three other religious organizations also labeled by the (SPLC) as, "Hate Groups." Johnson wrestled him to the ground and kept him from harming others even after being shot.