Friday, December 2, 2016



THE IDEA OF REVERENCE for a spark of inate human brotherhood or divinity was the assumption of Johanathan Swift when he wrote, "A Modest Proposal" back in 1729. Swift wrote about the plight of poor children in the United Kingdom. 

Nancy Pelosi also presented it in reference to immigrants as a response to President Trump's animal statement depicting the brutal gang members of MS13. The essay by Swift continues to be required reading in many schools.

I posted in reference to Nancy's statements and recent updates in the 2015 case where reporters with concealed cameras documented Planned Parenthood executives talking about profiting from the harvesting of fetal body parts in their clinics. A reality nearly as gruesome as Swift's fictional satire.

As in Swift's time, those outraged by the disclosure attacked the whistle blowers, and the topic was quickly dismissed from public attention. 

Instead of social change in the 1700's, it lead to jokes among leadership elites about ways to brutally extract even more profit from the children of the poor in the British Isles. 

Approximately 200 years later, an American simile occurred on April 28th at Washington DC Correspondent's Event. There speakers laughed and normalized the shaming of women and those that coerced them to abort their offspring. (Minute 8:14 - 8:48) at (

In 2015 I had written a brief essay about Planned Parenthood and a potential for "change" through Presidential power under President Obama in light of the disclosures revealed in the undercover videos. The essay, tittled...

"Imposed Choice; A Modest Proposal" 

and it's corresponding video presenting Obama's position during his campaign and Planned Parenthood statements as well as some history on the legalization of abortion in America. It can be seen at:

To see updates on the punishments recieved by the Obama era  whistleblowers, scroll down to the second comment. 

To hear an audio of Jonathan Swift's short essay click this link: (directly below).

To hear Nancy Pelosi's oppostiion to the Heartbeat Bill designed to protect the sanctity of human life in late term abortion click.

To hear Nancy's recent comment on Trump's reference to the MS13 gang click.

Judge Fines David Daleiden $137,000 for Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts...  Steven Ertelt, Micaiah Bilger July 19, 2017

Judge Orrick’s contempt order awards approximately $137,000 to the National Abortion Federation for attorney fees and for alleged staff time to scour the internet looking for links to the Daleiden videos.

(Pro-life Activists behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Suffer Legal Setback  By MAIREAD MCARDLE  April 6, 2018)

The reporter behind the undercover videos of executives in the abortion industry discussing the harvesting of fetal organs will continue to fight the gag order on the rest of the videos, after the Supreme Court rejected their appeal on Monday....

Daleiden was held in contempt of court last year after he posted one of the gagged videos showing an abortionist admitting that the fetus is “a person,” and abortion is “killing.” Other videos show abortion officials haggling over the price of fetal body parts with the activists, who posed as organ buyers.


And even so....  THE HEARTBEAT BILL is signed by Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds making it the law in her state. (mentioned above in Pelosi interview) - Iowa Bans Most Abortions As Governor Signs 'Heartbeat' Bill

Photo Article sources: