Friday, December 9, 2016



Hear Rosario in link above or below. 

  Click to hear Rosella's story as a College 
  Professor and LGBT activist including her
  relationships in community and her identity
  transitions from heterosexuality and
  lesbianism. Hear of the activism she has
  practiced throughout.This talk is presented
  at the Family Research Council in
  Washington DC.

Hear Floyd's story in link above or below.

Floyd's Corkins Jr. is an accomplished college student
 holding a Masters Degree. He is also an LGBT volunteer
activist who demonstrated the depth of his conviction
 in WA DC as he took the actions that he felt were
 justified based on the accounts provided by the 
Southern Poverty Law Center
 who provided the reasons for hate and the locations 
of his targets. Fortunately the Family Research Council 
was first on his list. 



As a support group leader I have met many like Rosario Butterfield and have discovered that genuine support does not reject one identity to embrace another. It simply supports people as people, and sees struggle as struggle.

The Family Research Council (FRC) is also committed to supporting individuals and families. They sponsored the talk in the video link above. The FRC experienced a home grown terrorist attack in 2012, but the news failed to follow the story.

The (FRC) was labeled as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for acknowledging the kind of support that Rosario experienced from her pastor. Both Rosario Butterfield and Floyd Corkins were receiving support from LGBT community. Both were activist for the LGBT cause, both highly educated, but each of their paths went in dramatically different directions.

Click the link directly below to hear Rosario tell her story at the FRC.

Below is the path Corkins felt compelled to follow in response the the SPLC website Hate Map. He had selected four sites to attack with a stated plan.... "To kill as many as possible."

On Aug. 15, 2012 Floyd Corkins, who holds a Masters Degree from George Mason University and volunteered at the Wasnington DC LGBT Center entered the Family Research Council Building and shot the building manager Loe Johnson who stopped him from accessing the elevator. Corkins carried a 9mm semiautomatic pistol, two additional loaded magazines and an additional box of 50 rounds of ammunition. The FBI report that Corkins' stated plan was to kill the people at the (FRC) and then those present at three other religious organizations also labeled by the (SPLC) as, "Hate Groups." Johnson wrestled him to the ground and kept him from harming others even after being shot.

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